When it comes to leather upholstery cleaners Doncaster you can be sure that your local leather cleaning professionals are right on your doorstep. We are a local family firm and we only serve the Doncaster area. Therefore, we are never far away from you.
We deep clean all types of leather from Aniline to fully pigmented and everything in between. The range of leather items we see is enormous. Aircraft seats and interiors are a speciality in Doncaster.
Leather upholstery cleaners Doncaster
We can deep clean anything from your leather sofa that may have never been cleaned to. Leather aircraft seats and car seats and everything in between.
Because we are highly trained we will tell you all you need to know about your leather care needs. In other words, each item will have different requirements in terms of the materials and cleaning techniques.
However, we will discuss that with you and arrive at a leather cleaning plan to suit.
Leather cleaning Doncaster uses the very best materials that are available today. Above all, we keep up to date with new developments we are able to offer a deep clean that will last. Because leather products are being developed all the time we are continuously attending training and product launches.
At Professional leather we keep right up to date whilst keeping the essential traditional leather care skills that are needed every day in our work. You can feel safe with us for your leather cleaning needs in Doncaster.
Leather sofa cleaning and re protecting
But there is no need to get rid of your couch and pay out a lot of money just to get the same piece of furniture that will go the same way. First of all, most of the time when the colour has started to fade it is because the factory applied protection coats have rubbed off. This is normal.
When this happens, and in an average household of say two adults and a child it could be a year or so after you purchased the sofa. The pigment (paint) is exposed. From that time it is a short step for patches to start to show. This is not a manufacturing fault.
Most importantly, this is why your leather sofa should be re protected regularly. It’s like having a car and never re waxing it. Or a pair of boots and never cleaning and polishing them. It’s not exactly the same, but you get the idea.
Above all your expensive leather furniture needs looking after. The easy way to keep up with this is to have a professional leather technician come out to clean and re protect your leather sofa regularly. If you want to keep it looking great and not have to have it re coloured again.

We re protect you leather sofa
Most importantly, don’t throw out your old leather furniture. Call us and we will bring it back to life.
And show you how to keep your investment in great shape for the future. It’s not just your pocket you are hurting, think of the environment. And the cost of having it taken away. Call professional leather today for a chat.
Sometimes, all that is needed is a deep down leather cleaning service to keep up with it all.
Professional leather Doncaster
Yes, we are in Doncaster. We are specialist leather upholstery cleaners Doncaster. Not a franchise that needs to charge very high prices to run a large organisation with managers, cars and all sorts of hangers on.
Firstly, you can feel assured that at professional leather in Doncaster we are local crafts people. Not an out of town franchise that has to charge very high prices to cover the cost of managers, company cars, pensions and all that goes with this type of organisation.
In addition, all the work is done by us, Professional Leather. And you will be pleased to know that we don’t employ anybody. Again, not a company that will take on people and run them through a quick course and let them loose on an unsuspecting public.
We can deep clean and re protect leather care seats too.
What is leather?
Leather comes in a multitude of finishes. But we will skip the tannery part and go straight to the leather you may have on your sofa.
Pigmented leather is probably the most seen leather finish on a couch or a chair. It is very durable. The leather is pigmented. And that means it’s coloured or painted first. Then it is finished with coats of protector this is a spray coat applied in the factory and is a polymer. Most often polyurethane. Therefore, it is quite resistant to spillages and is reasonably easy to keep in good condition.
Aniline leather is what most people would say is natural looking leather. The marks from where the cow may have picked up a scratch or two and other blemishes are visible. People that like Aniline like this look and it is quite popular. But this sort of leather is not pigmented it will be coloured with a dye.
It will not have a protective coat on traditionally. But lately, some Anilines that we have seen do have some sort of light polymer coating. Without a coating, it is very susceptible to staining and very difficult to remove stains from.
Other leather types
Semi Aniline leather is a bit of a cross between the two. It is protected to a degree by a polymer coating that has some pigment in it. This gives the appearance of a more uniform colour and affords a better level of protection. But not as good as a fully pigmented and protected leather. Consequently it needs to be looked after regularly.
In conclusion, We are leather upholstery cleaners Doncaster Whatever leather you have on your couch we can deep clean and re protect it with the correct products making it look fantastic again.
Above all, we are highly trained and local Doncaster people.
01302 272102